Monday, February 28, 2011

 Mr.Ing has assigned us to incorporate Technology in class.I think that it is an amazing idea because now days the way to get people's attention is through technology on blogs and websites.Now it's is the easiest way to communicate now and it is awesome to learn more and being able to practice and get better understanding of technology. So the idea that Mr.Ing had of incorporating Technology is perfect idea.


  1. G’day Shannon,

    Thanks for joining the March 2011 student blogging challenge. So you can contact other students and look at their blogs, make sure you keep referring to this page on the challenge blog.

    Also each week starting in March, check out the student challenge blog for the different activities to do – look at ‘Latest challenge posts’ under the map on the right sidebar.

  2. Heyo shannon! I gotta do the thingy for the student challenge so im gonna comment on yours (: I like how you put your about me and your followers and the blog archive in a diffrent way.

  3. Hello Love (: I love your picture as you background, very creative (:
